About Us

PiP69, the company and philosophy

PiP69 was started in 2016 in the beautiful city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The reason for its start was that we were tired of seeing products in the world, which we use in our every day lives, which had flaws or could easily be improved.

We wondered why the creators of these products did not make the effort to improve them, which in our opinion, was fairly easy to do.

Thinking about all kinds of products that we used in real life, we came up with several ideas to improve them.

The improvements will always be in a way, that will maintain the primary use of these products and simultaneously add benefits to them, benefits which the current versions of these products do not have, hence making them better and improved versions.

Our aim is to strife for perfection, in everything that we do.

Now, we know that it is practically impossible to reach this in a single human lifetime, but this shouldn’t be a reason to not pursue this goal.

The name for the company was derived from this philosophy of self improvement and strife for perfection.

PiP is short for: Perfection in Progress.

And the number 69, refers to the birth year of the founder of the company: 1969.

Our philosophy is to improve ourselves every day of our life, it’s a continuous process, which in our opinion, should be a philosophy for life itself.