Shoe Design

We like shoes

At PiP69 we like to combine aesthetics with functionality, we apply this throughout all of the products we work on.

As mentioned before, we like to combine practicality with innovation and design in a manner which minimizes the ecological footprint of our products.

In the process of designing and making a shoe we have tried to use as much natural materials as we could, refraining from the use of synthetic materials as much as possible. Natural products as leather, wood and cork are the main resources we use when creating shoes.

We are a great fan of traditional arts & crafts and work closely together with Jouw Stoute Schoenen (a Dutch custom shoe design and production company). This collaboration has lead to the development of our first try-out of a shoe design.

The process of designing and creating the actual product is one that we really love to do, shoe design is an important part of our work here at PiP69 and we will be working on several new projects in the coming future.